jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


;) This emoticon represents a wink emoticon, a symbol of trust between two people.

:´( This emoticon represents someone's crying.

(k) This represents a kiss emoticon.

8-) This emoticon is a disoriented person.

8o| This emoticon is an angry person.

:@ This emoticon is a very very angry.

<3 This represents a heart emoticon.

(f) This represents a flower emoticon.

:D This emoticon represents maximum happiness.

:) This emoticon represents happiness.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Marcelo Salas

He was born December 24, 1974 in Temuco. Is a renowned Chilean footballer, now retired, who played professionally in Chile, Argentina and Italy from the mid-90's and early 2000.

He began his career at the "Universidad de Chile", he continued his career in Argentina, River Plate Club Deportivo later he was in Italy, playing for Lazio and Juventus, with whom won many titles, and then end of his career with the team of his heart, "Universidad de Chile" with which came to his retirement in 2009.

Apart from his career in the clubs, had a brilliant career in the Chilean team, scoring a total of 37 goals, outpacing other strikers such as Ivan Zamorano, Carlos Caszely and Leonel Sanchez, remaining as the top scorer of the Chilean historical.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

. From Learned Which person have you most in your life? Why?

. From Learned Which person have you most in your life? Why?
I would say my grandfather because he was my dad actually said so and he was everything to me and taught me many things which I now serve for life and things that makes one mature.
taught me not to be selfish and treat others well and always help those who needed it.
was always attentive to me and although he was a humble person never ever complained about something and those things or actions qdan marked and one tries to imitate the good.
The frame my life and although he died will always be in my heart and when I think I was always the best things come to mind and words telling q to be a good person who tried BIEM to the others who so resiviria the same treatment.

Renewable energy is an important topic today? Why?

Renewable energy is an important topic today? Why?
If it is important because without this energy would still spend the resources of nature and that would be really bad because the planet is already much exploited and almost no resources left to continue using.
Apart from the energy we need for daily life and the population is growing much more grres and increasingly the need to use more and more energy.
Now there are many energy producers nature that we also serve as solar panels, windmills and many other q give us energy without harming nature.
except that the energy is renewable, that means that the energy once used can still be used over and over again without damaging in any single veneficiando man.
increasingly need more renewable energy