domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

. Who's Had The Biggest Influence on your life? Why?

. Who's Had The Biggest Influence on your life? Why?
I would say my mom because she always been in my life and always advise me to know well and know q do in desert situations and that will always be with me when you need it
and she is the one that always been with me and cares for me and everything and when my grandfather died we both support muchoy Wife and I stayed together and how she always advises me to my "I also advise her and the movie but we always reconcile
and we are back as before) happy and together as always.
We went together and bought us together and we always advise the clothes and stuff.
But if you ask me ... she is the most important person in my life, and if it ever loses nose would.
So I chose to talk about it than anyone else.

. What historical figure do you MOST Identify with? Why?

. What historical figure do you MOST Identify with? Why?
I do not identify with any historical figure because I've never done anything for my country for now, but I would say that I identify a little more to Javiera Carrera ...
Because besides being a woman she is interested in the homeland and aria every effort to help, as she did the first flag and many other things but it's hard to tell who you are a couple more because we are all very different and i do not think where someone could stand to someone because we do things that stand out like them and make history as they did but you can come to the fore later when Verdade make a contribution to society and that is what I can say that because cosiderados I have no peers'm just a normal person has done nothing q q is important so far. :)

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


;) This emoticon represents a wink emoticon, a symbol of trust between two people.

:´( This emoticon represents someone's crying.

(k) This represents a kiss emoticon.

8-) This emoticon is a disoriented person.

8o| This emoticon is an angry person.

:@ This emoticon is a very very angry.

<3 This represents a heart emoticon.

(f) This represents a flower emoticon.

:D This emoticon represents maximum happiness.

:) This emoticon represents happiness.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Marcelo Salas

He was born December 24, 1974 in Temuco. Is a renowned Chilean footballer, now retired, who played professionally in Chile, Argentina and Italy from the mid-90's and early 2000.

He began his career at the "Universidad de Chile", he continued his career in Argentina, River Plate Club Deportivo later he was in Italy, playing for Lazio and Juventus, with whom won many titles, and then end of his career with the team of his heart, "Universidad de Chile" with which came to his retirement in 2009.

Apart from his career in the clubs, had a brilliant career in the Chilean team, scoring a total of 37 goals, outpacing other strikers such as Ivan Zamorano, Carlos Caszely and Leonel Sanchez, remaining as the top scorer of the Chilean historical.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

. From Learned Which person have you most in your life? Why?

. From Learned Which person have you most in your life? Why?
I would say my grandfather because he was my dad actually said so and he was everything to me and taught me many things which I now serve for life and things that makes one mature.
taught me not to be selfish and treat others well and always help those who needed it.
was always attentive to me and although he was a humble person never ever complained about something and those things or actions qdan marked and one tries to imitate the good.
The frame my life and although he died will always be in my heart and when I think I was always the best things come to mind and words telling q to be a good person who tried BIEM to the others who so resiviria the same treatment.

Renewable energy is an important topic today? Why?

Renewable energy is an important topic today? Why?
If it is important because without this energy would still spend the resources of nature and that would be really bad because the planet is already much exploited and almost no resources left to continue using.
Apart from the energy we need for daily life and the population is growing much more grres and increasingly the need to use more and more energy.
Now there are many energy producers nature that we also serve as solar panels, windmills and many other q give us energy without harming nature.
except that the energy is renewable, that means that the energy once used can still be used over and over again without damaging in any single veneficiando man.
increasingly need more renewable energy

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Why is so important Alberto Hurtado in Chile?

Why is so important Alberto Hurtado in Chile?
q because it was a man always on the tube this vocation which helped the poor.
There is a film which goes on throughout his life.
in this film show that since young helping the poorest. Already when I was bigger and became a priest in his famous green pickup, went out into the street and picked up the children who were alone and cold.
For this reason the Father Hurtado is one of the most recognizable characters of chili.
In his honor, became the Shrine of Padre Hurtado in which people will live in the street and has the ability to have a roof to sleep and food, there are also children who are destitute and homeless.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

What do you think about extreme sports?

What do you think about extreme sports? I find that extreme sports are dangerous and adrenaline for both people who like that kind of feeling in which the danger runs through their veins. extreme sports to have to have security and be prepared psychologically and physically. Not everybody can do these sports. I would like to climb mountains when larger and able to survive with what is there, but that's a wish that I'd like to meet and to be honest I do not think because I like to do more to be safe and feel adrenaline parks divercion with more confidence that I can pass something dangerous or harm me for life.

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

. Do you like piercings? Why?

. Do you like piercings? Why?
if I like. because they are sexy and can be made wherever you want and you Ecora the body with it.
at least I love my piercing I have 6 ear piercing two ring excluding drinks, I have two in the nose, I have two one in the mouth under the tongue and the other on the lip, and best esq all I've done to me in my ksa, although not very igen but take action and I did.
if I could have more piercing because the would have just love her.
I've been told I'm crazy:)

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

CNN is a international Cable News Network , is adapted for all the lenguages. Has information of a lot of topics about the continents , world sports and entertainment . Obviusly has news of politic, economy and world themes. I think this is the best website of news , because is objetive. The page has a good structure is organized and is of easy access,

CNN is a international Cable News Network , is adapted for all the lenguages. Has information of a lot of topics about the continents , world sports and entertainment . Obviously has news of politic, economy and world themes. I think this is the best website of news , because is objetive. The page has a good structure is organized and is of easy access,

In this web site, we
see that there is a great variety of news, from sport up to
Also the news is in the shape of video.

My opinion about
web sities
My opinio
brings over of this web site is
that it is a bit boring, is not
showy to read, since it does not occupy
strong colors and is a bit
What is rescued
of this page is the
title of the diary, since it is a bit more

In this web site, we
see that there is a great variety of news, from sport up to
Also the news is in the shape of video.

My opinion about
web sities
My opinion
brings over of this web site is
that it is a bit boring, is not
showy to read, since it does not occupy
strong colors and is a bit
What is rescued
of this page is the
title of the diary, since it is a bit more

English Publishers

1. Name 3 english plublishers especialized in english books.
a) Cambridge
b) Oxford
c) Macmillan

2. Name 2 books (per publish)
2.A Give a brief description.
2.B What kind of student is the book oriented to?

2: English in Mind 2A- Kids box1 Pupil's book (Cambridge), Cookie and friends - My friends(Oxford), Tip Top2 - Little Bugs 1 (Macmillan)
2.A: English in Mind: This book have a green cover, it's for students of secundary school.
its methodology is didactic, as it has many pictures and activities. It also features articles related to the subject.

Kids box 1 Pupil's book: This book present and practices through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities. This book have a red cover.

Cookie and friends: This book it's a combination of
animated story, songs, games and activities for very young learners. This book have a green cover, with animal

My friends: This book is especially for primary school children, brings CD with songs, many games, and coloring.

Tip top 2:
This book is special for students in kindergarten, because it brings to their cognitive development activities, teaches the letters of the alphabet, etc.

Little bugs 1 :
This book is also for children in kindergarten, bring a dictionary colorful, and many educational activities, and a CD with songs in English

3.- ESL: It means "English as a Second Language"
EFL: It means "English as a Foreing Language"

4.- ESL is for us, because English isn't our foreing language.


-Saint Gabriel's School
-Nido de Aguilas international school of Chile
-The Mayflower School
-The Mackay School
-The British Royal School
-The Grange School

English Publishers

1. Name 3 english plublishers especialized in english books.
a) Cambridge
b) Oxford
c) Macmillan

2. Name 2 books (per publish)
2.A Give a brief description.
2.B What kind of student is the book oriented to?

2: English in Mind 2A- Kids box1 Pupil's book (Cambridge), Cookie and friends - My friends(Oxford), Tip Top2 - Little Bugs 1 (Macmillan)
2.A: English in Mind: This book have a green cover, it's for students of secundary school.
its methodology is didactic, as it has many pictures and activities. It also features articles related to the subject.

Kids box 1 Pupil's book: This book present and practices through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities. This book have a red cover.

Cookie and friends: This book it's a combination of
animated story, songs, games and activities for very young learners. This book have a green cover, with animal

My friends: This book is especially for primary school children, brings CD with songs, many games, and coloring.

Tip top 2:
This book is special for students in kindergarten, because it brings to their cognitive development activities, teaches the letters of the alphabet, etc.

Little bugs 1 :
This book is also for children in kindergarten, bring a dictionary colorful, and many educational activities, and a CD with songs in English

3.- ESL: It means "English as a Second Language"
EFL: It means "English as a Foreing Language"

4.- ESL is for us, because English isn't our foreing language.


-Saint Gabriel's School
-Nido de Aguilas international school of Chile
-The Mayflower School
-The Mackay School
-The British Royal School
-The Grange School

1 bad post

New York Times

I find that this newspaper is good because it explains in detail the acts and views of different writers, there are good and alludan images to better understand the news.
the format of a news understands that and is easy to get news and has various applications besides the news is fast in plublic also appears infor about everything and is very anplia information.

New York Times

I find that this newspaper is good because it explains in detail the acts and views of different writers, there are good and alludan images to better understand the news.
the format of a news understands that and is easy to get news and has various applications besides the news is fast in plublic also appears infor about everything and is very wide information.

2 bad post

i find that this moment is very good and special that this week is a time of reflection and where one gets closer to the religion and this with the family gathered together for that especial moument in that must be met with one good and his family for those two things go with you all your life. And also one passes very well at school because there are religious celebrations and in the end there is holiday when one goes very well with the family.

i find that this moment is very good and special that this week is a time of reflection and where one gets closer to the religion and this with the family gathered together for that especial moment in that must be met with one good and his family for those two things go with you all your life. And also one passes very well at school because there are religious celebrations and in the end there is holiday when one goes very well with the family.

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

English Publisher

English Publisher






-Cambridge: -English in Mind
-Cambridge School Dictionary

-Oxford: -Happy House 1
-Happy Earth 1

-McGraw-Hill: -English Zone
-Grammar Zone


-English in Mind: Is a very good book with many exercises and images
-Cambridge School Dictionary: Each word is explained clearly

-Happy House 1: Introduces children for speak and listen English
-Happy Earth 1: Allows students to broaden their knowledge

-English Zone: includes mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences, health, art,
theater and language arts.
-Grammar Zone: zone is a grammar book to learn more interiorly English


-English in mind: Is intended for students who want to get closer to English
-Cambridge School Dictionary: This book unveils er the meaning of words for students who need to know the words.

Happy House 1: this book is for children to play with English.
Happy Earth 1: this book is for children and serves to know the land.

English Zone: for older students, to complete what has been learned.
Grammar Zone: larger for students to learn the grammar and know how to use.


ESL: It means "English as a Second Language"
EFL: It means "English as a Foreing Language"

4.- ESL is for us, because English isn't our foreing language.


1 The English Institute
2 Nido de aguilas
3 saint grabriel`s School
4 British Royal School
5 Grange School
6 New Horisonz
7 mayflower school

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010


This goes for having confidence in what you do and not be afraid of what other people think or say about us.

if we are confident that we do this well and give the best of us things we will do better and live well.
There are always people who are jealous and try to lower the self to others not knowing the damage that is actually stronger than they thought, for just that person that was damaged psychologically loses confidence
and it is going wrong in your life, will not have the power of peer decicion own or anything.

A person who has confidence in itself and is clear what he wants to make their life will be successful, enjoy your life and take decisions that will in faith as they were and will have much hope that what they wish to meet and will have a pleasant life with a family and the best feel safe and secure itself to be well in the future, will continue to succeed and be a person with own decision.
This long because I inspire forgiveness.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

The New York Times News

The New York Times
this website is the most boring of all I've seen that is directed specifically to adult and elderly people
this site as the name says is the city of new york
This site is more boring but more complete if we see another point.
This page is also a magazine and leaving things fashion freak and data.

BBC News
This website has a hyperlink on the left side of the screen about every continent, that if you press enter to watch the news of that particular continent
This page is very organized because that this was done by journalists of BBC and other journalists around the world.
well I like this site because complete and understandable information.

CNN international

CNN international

I like this webpage because has a lot of pictures and information. This information is very complete and you find out all the news of the world (most important)

I also like it because it has several hyperlinks

I also like it because it has several hyperlinks
always keeps everyone informed, CNN also exists in English and other languages more

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


If I had superpowers would help people.The power that I like is to fly, so could
travel the world and go to all the sides I wanted.Another would be invisible so.
I could go anywhere without anyone knowingof course without breaking the privacy jajajajaxdd.I also gustria be very elastic thing that does not hurt tobend or
open my legs and do stunts.It would be nice to have super strength to sustain
heavy things so effortlessly.
If there were people to with powers as we could do as a group as well

as theJUSTICE LEAGUE and Salber people and help

martes, 20 de abril de 2010


This film is about a man overwhelmed by the job, is bored one day
and going to buy a universal remote control, this control was so
universal that controlled life, skipped these episodes and then skipped
on their own, then fattening aged and lost his family, then gives you a heart
attack, which left him convalescing, then it means something to her son, and
gets up from the clinic and then dies.Then wakes up and realizes that everything is

a dream.

Mean Girls

Mean Girls
This film is about a girl who first comes to school and came from Africa.
This girl is made of two children friends which regina george wanted to
avenge one of the most popular girls in high schoolUntil that one day
this has an accident and is hit and the whole school turns against the
protagonist CadyAnd this aspta he did wrong and ask forgiveness and
everything continues as before and leave spring prom queen of the school.


This movie is about a general in the Roman army, in which the
constantly put all their trust on the death of your child is constantly
in power and sent to kill Maximo (the gladiator), he manages to escape
but is badly wounded, so it is captured by the vendors that make a slave, then
the fight against Comodo and kills him as he was hurt at the end die
fighting for their freedom andmeets his wife and son in the afterlife



The film stars Ryan Gosling as Noah and Rachel McAdams Caulhoun as Allie Hamilton.

The film is about the love story between two young men who meet at an

amusement park where he fell in love at first sight of it at a time until she agrees

to go out with him and thereafter fell in love madly.
At the end of the summer she has to return to the city to continue their studies

after 7 years reunited and stay together forever

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


Well my biggest dream is conoser the group Paramore.
And talk to hayley williams to know them better and thus
able to sharewith them and go on tour with them and Roque and
dineand get us lots of pictures.
But also in my dreams also come to see the world is to know the different
cultures and cities and beaches around the world.I think that
would be one of the best experiences for a person to knowthe
best band and tour the world.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Chile´s Reconstruction

chili reconstruction costs roughly 30 billion
this reconstruction is that on 27 February there was an earthquake
that almost all chile center, the epicenter was
the Bio-Bio region in southern Chile.
This earthquake caused a Tsunami that invaded the city of Constitucion.
All this disaster shocked the whole chile and here is where it becomes
the telethon for the collection of money to rebuild
from the metropolitan area south of chile.
Until now many people are still without help and have virtually no
nothing, for them there is only resignation.

Vale! xdd


Easter is a celebration that is done after
of the Resurrection of the Lord.
All Christians celebrate this holiday because it is one of the
most important
for the Christian world.
This conclusion was made and marketed
and so were created the famous Easter eggs
which are egg-shaped chocolates very coticiado
yal children will start this takes a little sense to the Resurrection.
Good I say goodbye!

Vale! xdd

Paris hilton

Paris Hilton

complete name: Paris hilton

Birth :17 - febrary-1981

profession: model, actriz and singer.

she have four brothers more Rochard Hilton, Kathy Richars, Baron Hilton, Conrad Hilton.

She became popular for the Tv series THE SIMPLE LIFE.She studied in

Dwight School en Nueva York;at the end of the first studies,She

decided not to go to college.she is a famous heiress to a fortune.

Paris was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving under

the influence of alcohol.

Paris Hilton has a Chihuahua named Tinkerbell.

she is very famous and currently has a program called

MY NEW BFFShe Condusid, this program is the search for your

new or new best friend.Paris Hilton have a new boyfriend the mister, Doug Reinhardt.

She has become an icon as many young people are fans of it because it has a

line of clothing and jewelry.

Paris Hilton is the heiress of the world's largest hotels, the Hilton chain.

Valued at more than $ 300 million.I hope you liked the biography of Paris Hilton.

She is very famous and pretty.
Say goodbay Valentina Francisca Gonzales Pizarro

bye bye bye bye
I leave a picture of her

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

holy week

well I'm going to talk about holy week.
Holy Week consists of seven days in which Jesus is prepared to save us from our sins.
here trida It is also the Paschal
is the three most important day for Christians.
these are on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday and
Sunday the last day is where Jesus was resurrected. good you enjoy it
where Jesus was resurrected. good you enjoy it
I say goodbye

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

The new president!

I´m so excited because i like this president
I think this president is very good and is very inteligent!
His name's Sebastián Piñera Echeñique!
this four years going to be very goods with he command....
well this is all I hope you liked my comment
Good bay everyone !!!!!!!